Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday Random Ten - Now With Sparkling Crystals!*

* - Sparkling Crystals not included

In a stunning fit of consistency (two weeks in a row? madness!), I offer unto you this week's FRT:

1. Liz Phair - "Dance of the Seven Veils"
2. Weezer - "My Name is Jonas"
3. Pixies - "Silver"
4. Pixies - "Alex Eifel"
5. Radiohead - "Videotape"
6. Coldplay - "Violet Hill"
7. Liz Phair - "Soap Star Joe"
8. Soul Coughing - "Soft Serve"
9. Elbow - "I've Got Your Number"
10. Bon Iver - "Team"

And the bonus track, FTW:

11. The Shins - "Caring is Creepy"

Ah, slightly better bonus track this week. Still not full of Win, but then, I'm not sure any of the music I listen to would be considered Teh Hawesome by the kids these days. 

Anyway: sparkly: (and multiple colons, too!):

Note: Couldn't find a decent video for "Caring is Creepy", so you'll just have to make do with "New Slang". I think you'll live.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Sweet. Tapdancing. Christ. (Arachnophobe edition)


Don't click that link. Really: just don't.


You clicked it, didn't you?

Don't say I didn't warn you. And, no, I will not tuck you in OR get you a glass of water. Especially from the kitchen sink! IF I got you water - and that's a big if, Mister Smartpants, since I told you not to click that link, didn't I? - you'd do with bathroom water.

No, they do not taste different! It's the same water!

Sheesh. Kids.

Friday Random Ten: The Return of a Great Idea, Ruthlessly Stolen from Other, Better Bloggers

Oh yeah. I'm all about the pithy titles.

So, Amanda over at Pandagon, who's much cooler than me (a fact which is consistently reflected in the music she listens to), has taken to doing the FRT with the new Genius function in iTunes. I'd do that, but apparently the Genius function only works for the music library on your computer, not on any iPod you might have hooked up to said computer. I'm at work, so I don't put a ton of music on my work box, preferring to listen to music from my iPod through iTunes. So: no Genius for you!

Anyway, my Friday Random Ten:

1. Silversun Pickups -- "Lazy Eye"
2. Muse -- "Assassin"
3. Death Cab for Cutie -- "Passenger Seat"
4. Ben Folds Five -- "Smoke"
5. Nick Drake -- "One of These Things First"
6. Pixies -- "Gouge Away"
7. Jimmy Eat World -- "Work"
8. Bjork -- "All is Full of Love"
9. Coldplay -- "Spies"
10. Weezer -- "Buddy Holly"

And... bonus track FTW!:

11. Elbow -- "Snooks"

Okay, Elbow's not really full of Win, but... look! Shiny!